What exactly is Other Structures coverage?

What exactly is Other Structures coverage?

Many people question the Other Structures coverage on their homeowner's policy and don't fully understand exactly what it is. It's...
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The Top 5 Things You Need To Know This Hurricane Season

The Top 5 Things You Need To Know This Hurricane Season

1. Trim your trees! Branches hanging over or that could break off easily are a major threat in a storm....
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What if I lost my job and health insurance and don’t know when I’ll be employed again?

What if I lost my job and health insurance and don’t know when I’ll be employed again?

Contrary to hours being cut but remaining employed, when it comes to losing employment (and health benefits) altogether, there's a...
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What should I do if my income has changed due to Covid-19 and I have a subsidized health plan with the Marketplace?

What should I do if my income has changed due to Covid-19 and I have a subsidized health plan with the Marketplace?

A subsidized health plan is a policy provided by the Marketplace with a discounted premium, since a portion of it...
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If you’ve never considered your income an actual asset worth protecting, now is the time!

If you’ve never considered your income an actual asset worth protecting, now is the time!

Most people think their biggest asset or need for protection is their home, since that's typically the largest financial obligation...
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COBRA and Medicare… Oil and vinegar or two peas in a pod?

COBRA and Medicare… Oil and vinegar or two peas in a pod?

There are lots of things that are consistent when it comes to Medicare. It runs very smoothly, is a pretty...
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Additional auto insurance carriers are issuing premium refunds

Additional auto insurance carriers are issuing premium refunds

  Some people may think insurance companies are only there for them when they need to file a claim. Well,...
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What does “furlough” mean anyway?

What does “furlough” mean anyway?

Furlough. It's a rare term to hear in the workplace until something like a government shut down or pandemic such...
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Auto Insurance Relief Refunds pending approval

Auto Insurance Relief Refunds pending approval

Our agency is proud to partner with several companies that not only provide great coverage for our clients but also...
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Health insurance options during COVID-19

Health insurance options during COVID-19

Unfortunately during the current pandemic we're experiencing, some people are losing their jobs. While there's hope to be rehired once...
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Florida Blue Group Health plan flexibility due to COVID-19

Florida Blue Group Health plan flexibility due to COVID-19

We recognize that some companies may be adjusting to better support their employees during this unusual time. We also know...
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Families First Coronavirus Response Act

Families First Coronavirus Response Act

On March 25, 2020 the Department of Labor (DOL) published a required notice under the Families First Coronavirus Response Act...
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Business Interruption Insurance

Business Interruption Insurance

In a time like the current pandemic of COVID-19, we are all experiencing some serious interruption. As individuals, it's come...
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Benefits of Auto Pay for Your Insurance Premiums

Benefits of Auto Pay for Your Insurance Premiums

We currently happen to be in a time of uncertainty with some businesses temporarily closing or being short staffed due...
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Emergency Coronavirus Bill Passed by the House

Emergency Coronavirus Bill Passed by the House

Terin Cremer of Barbas Cremer, an Employment and Business Law firm, explains why employers should be paying close attention to...
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“Run Your Day The Intentional Way”

“Run Your Day The Intentional Way”

THEME. By definition, it is the subject of a talk, a piece of writing, a person's thoughts, or an exhibition;...
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How do I know if I need a Medicare Advantage Plan or a Supplement?

How do I know if I need a Medicare Advantage Plan or a Supplement?

Medicare can be confusing. We can all agree on that. But it doesn't have to be. What it really boils...
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Would your bills be covered if you were unable to work?

Would your bills be covered if you were unable to work?

Often times, people underestimate the issues they may face if they're out of work and their paycheck stops. Income Protection...
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Hurricane season is coming… Are you and your home ready?

Hurricane season is coming… Are you and your home ready?

The inevitable hurricane season is approaching quickly so we've composed some information to help better prepare you for potential damage...
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What you need to know about Medicare Part D prescription drug coverage

What you need to know about Medicare Part D prescription drug coverage

Approaching 65 or retirement can be a time of celebration, but also a time of confusion and overwhelm when it...
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