Is an insurance policy enough?

We can probably all agree that it’s the responsibility of the business owner, decision maker, HR or Office Manager to be sure the business is protected in the best way possible. Protected in the form of locking the doors and setting the alarm at night, but also protected in the form of knowing that everything will be okay in the event of an unexpected disaster.

Some may argue that you can only prepare so much but having confidence in the state of the company and reassurance that you did everything you could to sustain even a major curveball you can’t put a price on that. But is having a good insurance policy enough? Sure, it would help with damages to your building. Or to your company truck. Or if there’s a break-in, a fire, water damage Insurance is hugely helpful in lots of ways. If an employee gets hurt, if they make a mistake on a jobsite, if someone steals from you We could be here all day with those examples.

But even if you understand the value of insurance, max out your coverage, and are the most adequately insured business owner in the county Is it enough to truly protect you and keep the company running successfully? Here are a few other things to consider if you’re searching for that confidence that you’ve really done all you can to fulfill your responsibility of fully protecting what you work so hard for.

  • HR Support
  • ERISA Compliance
  • Safety Plan Management
  • Employee Retention
  • Cybersecurity/ADA Compliance
  • Safe/Distracted/Defensive Driver Trainings
  • Fleet Maintenance Program

Stay tuned for more to come as we dive into each of these categories and share ways you can implement more of this in to your company culture.