Benefits of Auto Pay for Your Insurance Premiums

We currently happen to be in a time of uncertainty with some businesses temporarily closing or being short staffed due to Covid-19 social distancing recommendations. One of the concerns that has developed is people still being able to pay their bills, such as insurance premiums. Thankfully, most insurance carriers accept payment either online or via […]

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Emergency Coronavirus Bill Passed by the House

Terin Cremer of Barbas Cremer, an Employment and Business Law firm, explains why employers should be paying close attention to this pandemic and how it can directly affect their teams: In the event you should need to utilize Barbas Cremer’s services, their contact information is below. Hang in there and stay well! Barbas Cremer: […]

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“Run Your Day The Intentional Way”

THEME. By definition, it is the subject of a talk, a piece of writing, a person’s thoughts, or an exhibition; a topic. In our situation, it’s what we want as our personal and professional priority for this year. It’s our compass. It’s what we want every decision to be guided by and a focus that […]

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Would your bills be covered if you were unable to work?

Often times, people underestimate the issues they may face if they’re out of work and their paycheck stops. Income Protection coverage could be a huge help if you have it. You probably have an insurance policy in place to cover your home, your car, your liability, even your life but what about your income? Disability […]

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