What does your parking spot say about your leadership style?

Ever pay attention to where people park at the office? It might say more about their personality than you’d expect. Authority, promotions, benefit packages and overall leadership often times come with a preferred or privileged parking spot. May seem silly to analyze where someone parks but what message would that leader be sending to their employees?

A leader that believes they deserve a front spot over their staff might as well also demand to sit at the head of the table during meetings or even stand to literally look down upon their team. What if that leader gave up their spot to park with the rest of the team? How would that change the dynamic? They may even catch a good conversation or get to know eachother a little better on their longer walk in. It also eliminates the impression that the leader thinks their own time and energy are more valuable than anyone else’s.

In one instance, a corporation with over 1,200 employees had a walking contest and noticed for the first time that directors, supervisors and administrators were parking in the very back spots in order to get more steps on the walk. Sure, this example shows that the people in those positions were competitive and aggressive go-getters. But what if they did that more with the intention of being ONE with their team rather than trying to say they WON? What if it was out of a humble, grateful, equal approach that could unify them to accomplish more than they ever would if they remained divided?

Forget the power trip. Pretend you’re wearing a pedometer. Use it as a tool to reward and spotlight a team member. However you justify it, think about how something as minor as where you park can identify you. It can be one small step (no pun intended) in the direction of combining forces with your team and gaining some respect, or even a friend.